An Innovative Solution

Companies are increasingly seeing that “Big Data” is not enough and must be supplemented by zero-party data that reveals why their customers do or do not do business with them.

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5 platforms fully integrated to give you an unparalleled result

Designed the way marketing departments function

Oomiji replaces five different platforms that companies usually buy separately.

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Simple, scalable and intuitive


Import your contacts without key entry; integrate with other platforms and easy segmentation for direct engagement.

Marketing at Scale
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Simple, scalable and intuitive


Build and post landing pages to your website and measure the productivity of any marketing tactic.

Marketing at Scale
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Simple, scalable and intuitive


Ask your customers questions about their interests, needs and perceptions, and use the platform’s AI to identify and build segments based on their interests, needs and perceptions.

Marketing at Scale
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Simple, scalable and intuitive


Conduct email campaigns with beautifully built emails and create segments for follow-up marketing by user-clicked content.

Marketing at Scale
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Simple, scalable and intuitive


Use Net Promoter Scores to provide an index of customer satisfaction and find brand advocates by segmentations of scores and reasons, including the language they use.

Marketing at Scale

Push or pull data to add to Oomiji’s capabilities

Integrations to 50 + platforms
Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve asked the questions you want answers to:

Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can't find the answer you’re looking for? Just check our Help page or email us at

  • Cookies and third-party tracking are going away. You need better ways to measure customer engagement and tactical performance.
  • Oomiji uses leading indicators of your customers’ interests, needs and perceptions rather than the lagging indicators of past customer behavior used by so many platforms.
  • Oomiji is a better predictor of customer behavior because it enables talking with customers, not at them.
  • Oomiji enables consumer segmentation (down to the individual) based on any criteria captured, including the language they use.
  • Marketing functions typically bought separately like customer acquisition, management, understanding, engagement, and measurement are all integrated on the platform.
  • The platform is intuitive, easy to learn and simple to use; no uploads or downloads are required.
  • If your company is focused on customer centricity, Oomiji activates real customer feedback and insights faster and more effectively than other platforms.  
  • Oomiji offers a set of integrated tools that save money and increase customer engagement opportunities. For example, the platform’s Net Promoter Score functions as both an index and engagement tool.
  • Customers can be segmented based on their perceptions expressed in conversational text. Other platforms don’t segment language down to the individual and then enable direct communication.
  • Clients are getting 2X+ engagement over other platforms and up to a 10X ROI on their investment in the platform.
  • Oomiji has integrations to more than 50 platforms with more being added all the time. If we don’t have integrations to your platforms, we’ll get them within a few days.
  • Popular platform integrations include Hubspot, Salesforce, Shopify, WineDirect, Commerce7, BigCommerce, Monday, Zapier and many more.
  • If desired, you can create persona-based segmentations on Oomiji and send them to other platforms or import data from other platforms to add to Oomiji’s segmentation options.
Marketing at Scale
Marketing at Scale
Marketing at Scale
Marketing at Scale
An innovative solution

Customer Engagement just got easier

There are no limits to how many responses you can receive, analyze or segment.

Unlimited Conversations • Unlimited Questions • Thousands of Responses • Segmentation of Groups

Simple, scalable and intuitive


Import your contacts without key entry; integrate with other platforms and easy segmentation for direct engagement.

Marketing at Scale
Simple, scalable and intuitive


Build and post landing pages to your website and measure the productivity of any marketing tactic.

Marketing at Scale
Simple, scalable and intuitive


Ask your customers questions about their interests, needs and perceptions, and use the platform’s AI to identify and build segments based on their interests, needs and perceptions.

Marketing at Scale
Simple, scalable and intuitive


Conduct email campaigns with beautifully built emails and create segments for follow-up marketing by user-clicked content.

Marketing at Scale
Simple, scalable and intuitive


Use Net Promoter Scores to provide an index of customer satisfaction and find brand advocates by segmentations of scores and reasons, including the language they use.

Marketing at Scale